Monday, October 09, 2006


Man! does it ever feel good to finally sit down. It feels like I haven't sat down in 5 days! This is because Micah has finally hit the teething stage and he has been needing a LOT of attention. Pretty much 100% of your attention when he is awake and that is like 10 to 1 ratio (1 being the total amount of sleep he's been having because his gums would hurt him and it would wake him from his sleep during the day and also at night) which means lots of work for Mommy and Daddy. I can honestly say that this has been really frustrating for me...maybe for Mark too (I don't know) but definitely for me. Today was the icing on the cake. I didn't get much sleep last night and all I wanted to do was sleep a little more this morning and it didn't happen. Micah was up and he wasn't going to let us sleep some more. This has set my mood and next thing you know I was grumpy and I started to cry. I felt like I just had enough (this is from the accumulation of previous days with sleep deprivation) . When Micah, Cassy and I went to the park to walk this morning I just cried my heart out! and it felt good to do it! I had to stop though because I didn't realize that there was a guy walking behind me...oops! oh well! it made me feel good and that's all that matters. That will teach me not to do that in public :)

Anyway, my poor little champ is definitely teething!

he's got red cheeks, keeps on chewing on his hands or anything that goes in his mouth. He has been whining a lot and grunting and screaming! It is sooooo draining but what can you do? I feel so sorry for him. He would nap only for 1/2 hour during the day now as he wakes up from the pain. I have been trying baby orajel, tempra, teething rings and just rubbing his gums and it helps for a little while but thats about it. I guess this too shall pass huh. Anybody have some good advice on teething? I so need that right now.

On to other things....Micah and I started our 'Baby and You' course. This is a class that the CHR puts together where other moms and babies get to meet. There were some babies that were 10 weeks old! The oldest I think is 5 1/2 months....What an awesome time we had! I am definitely excited to get to know the other moms. It is great to know that we do go through the same things with raising a child. I am looking forward to making new friends....and so is Micah!

On to fitness...I think I am doing well. I am now running 7 laps around the circular park close to our place. I still remember when I was only able to run 1 lap. I am now at 132 lbs and my goal is to be at 125 by the time Micah turns 6 months...and to be able to run 10 laps before the first snow fall. Anyway, I feel much stronger and better for sure. Thanks Marky for pushing me so hard :) You are the best!

Some Micah milestones:

He can now sit on his high chair.

He is sitting up really well (with some support of course)

He has moved to step 3 diapers.
Loves to bounce on his jolly jumper.
Can do the airplane on his tummy (all hands and legs off the floor into an airplane position)
He has this cute little laugh and he laughs often now
Has hit the teething stage :(

more to come on the next blog...

ciao for now,


Anonymous said...

You push yourself babe.......but I am very proud of you. Love me.

Anonymous said...

Wow Kristine, sounds like you are in great shape! Although I lost all my baby weight quickly I am not in good shape.

In regards to teething, I would try buying different types of tempura i.e. tylenol, ibuprofen (although I'm not sure if Micah is old enough for ibuprofen) sometimes one works better for differnt types of pain then other. I find ibuprofen worked well for Lucas. Cold clothes to suck on can also work well, but I know what it's like to be sleep deprived. Good Luck with the next couple of days.


Anonymous said...

Micah is soooo cute.
Miss you guys so much.