Monday, July 31, 2006

3 Month Letter (finally)

Dear Micah,

You are now 3 months and counting my boy. I haven't actually written this blog right when you turned 3 months because Mom have been busy with things lately. You continuosly grow and amaze us. You can now hold your hands together, follow someone's voice (especially mine :), stand up on your legs while Mom holds you up. You are definitely more vocal and getting loud. I finally got the courage to put you in your own room at night and it has been great so far. Right now you like going to bed at 9 p.m. and waking up at 5 a.m. You call us at 5 in the morning to have your feeding and then back to your crib for your morning nap. Around 8 a.m. you wait patiently for someone to come pick you up. I love it when Mom or Dad come to your room and you give us the biggest and sweetest smile to start the day. That is my favorate so far. You can now laugh and squeal as well and we just have a blast getting you to do that over and over again. You love making lots of bubbles and drooling on mom's shoulder too. Dad has recently discovered that he can pick you up with your hands and you can totally hold your neck up. I'm sure I am forgetting so many milestones that you have reached at 3 months but we are so proud of you for being such a happy, spirited and healthy baby. You make us want to do so much to make our world be a better place so that you can experience a long and happy and healthy life. We are so excited for you my boy! For everything that you have already given us.

Love always,

Mom and Dad

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