Thursday, June 29, 2006

Weekend, First Bus Ride, and Mosquitos

Our weekend in Wetaskiwin was great! We left there friday night and Micah and I were back yesterday. We took the Red Arrow back to Calgary and it was wonderful. It felt like you were on a plane. It is so much better than the greyhound. They had free snacks for you, you can watch movies or read a book. I had to carry Micah with me though all the way to Calgary as they didn't allow you to bring the car seat in the bus. It was ok. It was better than driving all the way to Calgary by myself with Micah in the back and not knowing if he was ok or not. All in all, I was so proud of him. He slept most of the way and he woke up an hour before and I just fed him and we hung out! His first long bus ride at two months. He did so well! I am lucky to have such a good baby.

It was great to see my family and friends. They threw another shower for us and we got more stuff! 3 showers for a baby is quite a lot. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining at all. I am very thankful to have such wonderful family and friends. It was fun t spend time with my Mom and my sister too. Thanks for everything guys! We appreciate it very much.

Anyways, we went out for a walk yesterday night and had to rush back to our car. What a disaster!!! Freakin mosquitos everywhere!!! Let's just say that Mark and I got eaten alive. We were too busy trying to get Micah to the car as fast a we can because we didn't want him to get attacked by the little buggers. I think he got a couple of bites...I know, his first mosquito will happen sooner or later.

A lot of 'first' for Micah coming our way soon!

Hope all is well in blog land.

take care and talk to you soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing so well babe! It's hard to regain eveything after 9-months of carrying a heavy basketball around in your tummy. You will get it all back and more. Love,

Mark (your personal trainer)