Monday, April 03, 2006

36 Week Update

Wow! it's hard to beleive I only have less than a month left!
Baby movements are definitely stronger now....and I now weigh 154.8 lbs! (who am I kidding....might as well round it to 155 heh :) Anyway, I'm still waddling to work....2 more weeks and I'm done.

Mark, puppies, baby and I had a wonderful weekend! I got to see some great friends (Steph and JF's housewarming party and Lesley) and plus we won the hockey game! yay!
And oh, I got April fooled by my step Dad....he gave me a call and told me that they are not showing the game anymore because the early game didn't start until late and CBC decided to show the Toronto game instead of the Calgary game. Boy, did I ever freak out! and then he added - 'On April Fools Day!', that's when it dawned on me that I just got fooled! oh well, it was pretty funny! I have to hand it over to you Bill, that was a very good April fools joke!

Anyways, I'm not feeling 100 percent today - - hopefully I am not catching anything.

Ciao for now,


Anonymous said...

Hello, is Mr.Wing there?

Anonymous said...

You are doing great babe, I am sooooooooo proud of you. Not long now!