Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The rest of my updates for Week 28

Well, I forgot to mention how much I weigh at 28 weeks from my previous blog...here goes.....

I now weigh 142.6 lbs! which is about 24 lbs I have gained so far. In the babyfit website that's where I'm suppose to be so I'm right on the money!

Phew! I was starting to get worried there because some people have been telling me that I'm too big for where I'm at but what do they know right? I won't mention any names or say any nasty things about this person because it might come back and bite me someday. Oh well, se la vie! the most important thing is that I am healthy and my baby is healthy too. And, Mark measured how big my belly is and I am now 40 inches round :) he!he! Now that I can say is huge!

I forgot to mention how the rest of my weekend went....I guess you can just check out Mark's blog because he pretty much said what I wanted to say: http://theesh.blogspot.com/



Anonymous said...

Yeah...ummmmm....what are you doing later-Quinton

Jenn said...


Do you have an outie bellybutton yet?


Angele said...

You just look amazing girl! I am sooo excited!