Sunday, April 15, 2007

Not out of the woods yet

Micah has been sick for almost a week now and if he is not better by tomorrow he and I will have to visit our doctor. I'm definitely sure that it has something to do with his teething. He is still coughing and he still has a runny nose...and of course the grumpiness of an almost 1 year old child. I bought him a balloon today to make him feel better and I'm not sure if it helped at all. He did not want to part with it. So everytime I tried to take it away, he would cry and cry and cry (even for just a few seconds). So he crawled around with the balloon in his hand, drank his milk with the balloon in his hand and even held it while I had to change he pretty much played with the balloon all night. I think it helped though coz he was out like a light. Anyhoo, here are some pics of my cute little boy.

He is now also facing forward in his car seat and he loves it! The only challenge for me now is when I actually put him in the car seat. He will try to fight by extending his whole body so it makes it really really hard to sit him down and some complaining as well. What a smart kid :)

One of my tricks right now is that I give him a card (like a petsmart or airmiles card) to hang on to and I tell him "here's your ticket buddy,hang on to it ok". And he does. I'm sure it won't last long and I'll have to come up with other distractions.

We also went to the park on that first sunny day this week (well, it was actually cold but the sun was out). Mark and Micah had shorts on of course and we headed off happily expecting that we would be there for awhile but didn't actually end up doing that. We took him to the swing and he had a great time.

Anyway, it's getting late and I will try to save some cute pics on his 1 year letter.

Ciao for now,

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hope Micah is feeling better soon! Sickness is going around our house too.
