Friday, March 23, 2007

A Challenge

Calling all Moms and whoever else that wants to participate on this challege! I am planning on running the 5K race on Mother's Day! Well actually there's Mark (running 10K and with Micah in the Chariot) and my girlfriend Angele is running it as well. So I urge all the Mommy friends that I know to come join us....and whoever else of course that is up for this challenge......Mommy or not! I ran the 10K race a couple of years ago and it was so much fun.

Hey if you're not a runner, you don't have to run it, you can walk it.

Think about it ok. You have a month to train for it :)

Check out the site to register:

Can't wait to see who else is going to join us :)

Ciao for now,

1 comment:

Angele said...

I can't believe we are running again.:) I can't wait :)