Monday, January 30, 2006

Something New

Hello again! Today is the start of my 27 weeks (start of my 3rd trimester) and I’m feeling a bit excited and yet anxious at the same time. Excited because I’m a few months away to having baby and anxious because I don’t know what the third trimester is going to be like. I guess I will find out soon enough.

Baby and Me
So far, my 1st and 2nd trimesters were really good. Just a little discomfort here and there but nothing crazy that I wasn’t able to handle. I was supposed to get Mark to take a picture of me this weekend but I forgot. I have to do that soon so you can all see where I’m at. Also, I have to remember to measure how big my belly is now and how much I weigh. Not really looking forward to it but it’s good to keep track. Baby is moving like crazy now. Once in awhile baby would poke my ribs and man I tell ya, it’s the weirdest feeling ever! Also this morning, I was lying on my right side and had one of my hands on my belly….next thing you know, I felt this big push on the palm of my hand from baby! It was so cool! I think it knew that my hand was there and it wanted to touch me and let me know that it’s there. I smiled and poked it back and all I could feel was this side to side jiggle in my stomach. Oh, the precious moments I am going to cherish. It makes all the pain and discomfort worthwhile.

Anyways, Lots of things to talk about. First, I would like to mention that today is my 1st day back to school! Again! Work was able to approve me to take the flash course for a month and I’m very excited! I know it’s going to be a lot but it’s only for 10 classes (Monday and Wednesday ) from 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Hey at least I’m taking it during the 7th month of my pregnancy and not on the 8th or 9th month. Mark is a little worried that it might be too much for me but we’ll see how it goes. I’m probably going to crack one day and be all emotional about it because it’s too much to handle but I know that I will feel better after a good cry. (funny how I already know what’s going to happen)

Doctor’s Appointment
Also, today is the first day that I will be seeing my new doctor (the group over by Glenmore Landing – who is going to be the delivery team). I am not sure what to expect from them but hopefully everything is still the same (Mom and baby are healthy). Cross your fingers!

Gym Project
Also, this weekend, Mark finally finished painting our basement (which is our future gym) and it looks awesome down there! He worked so hard yesterday getting things done. I wish I could help him paint too but the fumes were a little too much for me to handle. We are very excited though because we now have a fully functioning gym at home! Yay! Next project….baby room! I can’t wait!

This Weekend
We pretty much took it easy this weekend. Mark and I drove down to Canmore Saturday day and walked around and had some vegetarian lunch. We meant to go hiking but it got a little cold so we decided to head back home after our late lunch. It was still great to get away from Calgary though and breath some mountain fresh air….We saw and bought a few interesting things: like my hemp pants and some organic beer (not for me, but for Mark), a big truck flipped over on the highway and the most beautiful sun rays I’ve ever seen in a long time.

My hemp pants were only 20$ from the Hemp store! (It was originally 65$). It’s soooo comfy…the texture is like a towel sort of material but made of hemp…and the best part is I can wear it now and after when baby is out. As for the beer, I’m not sure if it’s good or not, I’m sure it’ll be good. Maybe I’ll have a sip and try it out. Oh yeah, we also watched this movie “Lord of War” (Nicolas Cage/Jared Leto/Ethan Hawk) Very good movie. I highly recommend it. It was definitely an eye opener for me about gun smuggling and all that jazz (that’s all I will give away) I have to warn you though, some parts are pretty graphic. There were some parts in the film that I couldn’t handle but overall, it’s a must see…it’s one of those movies that you think about and have good conversations about it after. Excellent movie! Nicolar Cage played his role perfectly! (Warning: not a movie to watch with your kids).

So, all in all, it was a great weekend! Lots of things accomplished…. I must say though….February is going to fly by!

Ciao for now,

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

My Favorites

Let’s see…I could do something like what Mark did on his blog “My favorite athletes” but I don’t have too many to choose from so I decided to just do a one general favorites containing stuff that I love.

Favorite Nephew

Well what can I say. I love this little guy. He is the cutest most, smartest 2 year old kid out there (in my opinion). He is such a bookworm! He can say his abc’s, count, and sing (loves to sing). He is goofy too but sweet as well. I totally thought of him today because it was so beautiful outside. Usually when Mom and him go out for walks and it’s nice out, he would say things like “What a beautiful day out Mom” …it just makes you appreciate the day even more. I love my little nephew and I can’t wait for him to meet his little cousin.....pretty soon buddy (3 more months!).

My favorate sister

She’s my only twin sister and I love her! She recently sent me more maternity clothes for my 3rd trimester and I was so happy to get them yesterday. Your day is so much better when your pants are fitting right and not tight. Most of my pants from my 2nd trimester are pretty much tight now. She also surprised me by putting in a really good treat in the box (After 8 Hot Chocolate) yummy! Anyways, sisters are great but twin sisters are even greater! She’s been there for me through the good and the bad times. Thanks for everything sister. Luv ya lots!

My favorite singer/album

Well, I would have to go with Gavin DeGraw and the album “Chariot”. I loved it the first time I heard it. Ever since then, I listened to his cd almost everyday at work! I know baby is going to love his style of music. He’s got some funky beats but the thing that struck me the most is his lyrics. He is deep and yet romantic but so cool and honest at the same. Maybe it’s just the stage of where I’m at right now…pregnant and emotional. But check him out, I know some of you will like him for sure.

My favorite craving
Hmmnn…this is a tough one…I love food so much I could just say “food!”. Well, I’ll just have to list a few: avocados (of course), frozen pineapple chunks, starbucks’ soy peppermint hot chocolate extra hot no whip cream please (lol), curry – any kind (red/yellow/green/brown) I’ll eat them all, sushi (California and dynamite rolls – for now…I can’t wait to eat some salmon sashimi when I’m done!), fruit shakes (Mark makes the best shakes)…who am I kidding, he makes the best of everything! It’s no surprise I’m growing like crazy! I think I should stop now… thinking about good food is making me hungry!

My favorite dogs
I know, I’re probably just thinking…Sammy and Cassy. Well, there’s a few more in my books now. Although Sam and Cas are at the top of the list, let me introduce you to a couple more. But first and foremost, some pictures of my 2 little furry kids.

Next is the big and mighty “Dawson”. Isn’t he huge?! He is soooo cute! His parents are Gord and Kara (Mark’s brother and sister in law). They love him to death. It’s hilarious the stories that we hear about Dawson every time we visit with them. From running after horses, to rubbing against some kind of poop and being washed in the river then washed again in the car wash…pretty funny stuff.

And here’s the sweet, pretty lil “Molly”. I must say that she is the most spoiled dog out there. But you just can’t help it though. She is such a cute, sweet little thing! Her parents are Barry and Linda (Mark’s mom and dad) and Evie (Mark’s sister). Now, here's a dog that doesn't do anything bad!

What can I say.... we all love our dogs!
Ciao for now!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Some Variety

Well, since I barely turned my computer on this weekend (which was actually nice) I have quite a variety of topics to talk about.

First and foremost, baby. It’s moving so much stronger! It now measures about 14 inches from head to heel and weighs around 2 lbs. It can hear so much more too. One great example was this weekend. When Papa “Esh” decided to play Rage Against The Machine while I was sleeping in! Mind you, it was already 11:30 in the morning so it was time for me to get up! Anyway, when the “pots and pans” music came on, baby just started to wiggle like crazy! I don’t know if it loved it or hated it but it was pretty funny.
Oh yeah, before I forget, I now weigh 139.4 lbs!

Next topic is about school. There’s this flash course starting on Jan. 30th and it goes twice a week (Monday and Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.) until the end of February. I want to take it but am a little bit worried that it might be a little too much for a 7 month prego like me. If I do, I would be going from 7 in the morning to 9:30 at night on Monday and Wednesdays and I don’t know if I can handle that especially since good sleep is hard to come by lately. But the one good thing if I take the class now is that baby is still in my tummy and I actually have the time to do it. Plus, it will really help me learn flash and help me make flashier web sites, which is good for my own business. And my work might pay for this course so that’s an extra bonus too since I started doing the same thing at work. I don’t know what I'm going to decide… we’ll keep you posted for sure.

Next is mi familia. Right now, my Brother and my Mom are in the Philippines having the best time of their lives (yeah, can you sense the small hint of jealousy in there?) Yup, a little jealous but I miss them dearly. It’s so hard when they are out of the country. I mean, they all live in Edmonton which is far from me but at least I can reach them easily via phone or email. The only one I talk to now constantly is Karen (my twin sister) and once in awhile Bill (my Step Dad)…I guess it’s just harder when you’re in Calgary by yourself and the rest of them are living in a different city…. especially now that I’m prego. Oh well, you just have to make the best of things I guess. I just want to share how much I miss them. Yesterday, we went over to Mark’s parents place and all of his family was there. It’s so nice to have family living close by. It’s definitely great to have at least one set of family living in the same city. They are so excited for us I just can’t help but smile! I know it was a shock to all of them at first but they have been so supportive and loving that I definitely feel blessed to have them all in my life.

I think that should be good for now…I will try to talk about something more interesting next time.

Take care everyone!
Ciao for now! K

Here's a skinny pic for ya! he!he!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Me and Marky

I had such a great day at work today that I am actually done 1/2 hour early. So, it's my turn to just take it easy and do some bloggin! I have been working my butt off with this flash thing for our work website and I finally finished the mock up page! We are meeting tomorrow to just finalize it then we show it to the president! I'm a little excited because I actually figured stuff out on my own! (here's me patting my self on the back - good job Krissy pants :) now I can't wait to go home and work on my own flash website for my company (will let you know when that's done)

Anyways I just want to blog about my Marky today. He is the most amazing blessing in my life, next to our baby and puppies of course. He makes sure I'm happy and well fed (lol) Last time I weighed myself I was at 138 lbs! that's at 25 weeks (pretty crazy heh)

Anyways, he is currently doing these fitness presentations at 4 libraries in Calgary and we went to the first one last night. I must say I was nervous for him but once he started talking, I was so amazed!!! I was like, I can't beleive he knows so much! I was pretty impressed! People were asking him questions left and right and he just answered all of them with ease and expertise! I was wowed, I tell ya! Anyways, we are going to another one tonight at the "Crowfoot" library and this is going to be a full house (about 40 people there). It should be fun! The last 2 will be next week and one is at the Fish Creek Library on Wednesday starting at 6:30 p.m. If you live close by, please come check it out.

As for me being prego, I have been feeling pretty stretched lately.....especially around my tummy...but what's new right? any suggestions to stop the annoying feeling anyone? I keep on putting my miracle creme with a little extra olive oil but I still feel time, I put way too much olive oil that I was actually shiny! it was so funny! I sat on the toilet to pee and my butt was like slipping on the seat (lol)...anyways, sometimes I just don't even want to wear clothes anymore! My mom gave me this moomoo white dress (sleepwear) and when I showed Mark, he was like "please don't wear that!" and I just laughed because I was thinking the same thing when my mom gave it to me(I would never wear that in my life!). Anyways, lately I've been thinking that it's the perfect thing to wear right now! (a big white long sleeve dress with fluffy cuffs - perfect! no restrictions) but I can't find it anywhere! I think Mark hid it on me or something :)

well, I should stop now...I promise to blog more interesting stuff 2morrow!

Ciao for now! K

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Flashy flash

I must say that I learned a lot at work today. Sorry to be talking about work but I was able to finally play with Flash and it is soooo much fun! I love it! It makes such a difference when you actually are excited and love what you're doing and you're getting paid for it. Tomorrow, I am looking forward to learning more. Hopefully I get to figure out how to edit these flash pages so we can use all flash for our company's website. It's also great to have guys around like Mo and Daniel to help you figure things out. Flash is so hard and complicated especially if you haven't used a lot of flash before. I plan on taking some courses to help me out for sure. Anyways, let's just say that I had a good day at work :)

As for baby and me, we are doing great! Baby "E" is moving like crazy and I love it. Sometimes, it kicks so hard I feel like I'm gonna pee my pants! I have been feeling great lately too! Maybe because of my new hair cut, I don't know :) I know it makes me look different but I am actually liking it more. It makes such a difference when you feel good about yourself especially when you are pregnant! I tell ya, lately I have been feeling fat and gross but some days like these are wonderful. It makes me appreciate all the blessings in life. I just have to accept the fact that my body is changing and love every minute of it. (one day at a time, krissy)

I'm having weird dreams now too. This morning I woke up feeling sooo exhausted because I dreamed that Sammy and Cassy got away (chasing after other dogs) and I spent all night looking for them in my dream. I woke up at 7a.m. and reassured myself that they are at home sleeping but I had to force myself to get up and take a look. Please, no more weird dreams! I love my little guys!

anyways, hope you're all having a wonderful Tuesday!

Ciao for now!

Monday, January 16, 2006

It's been awhile

Wow! it's only been a few days but it feels like it's been awhile since I had a chance to blog. When you check out Jenn's blog compared to mine? yup, my blog is totally on the slow side :)

I'll try my hardest to update everyone though. I have just been busy lately with life.

Let's see, friday -- oh yeah, we went to Los Mariachis (this little Mexican restaurant) across our place and boy what a disappointment. I would call it the "lost Maria who?" I do not recommend it to anyone! You totally get shafted with the food and it wasn't even tasty! I ordered coke (which I haven't drank in months) and it made me not sleep all night! So, to top it off with my disappointed $50 dinner was a lack of sleep. It's funny how I thought of cooking the quesadillas much better for sure at home...and yeah, Mark and I had stomach pains after! so that was our gong show friday night.

Saturday, I went and got my hair cut. I totally look different (again!) I seem to get bored of my hair style and just go nuts and get a hair cut without even realizing what kind of style I'm going to have this time. Oh well, it's crazier that I've ever had it because it has lots of layers, and shorter. I should upload a picture once I get one :) you'll see what I mean. People at work tell me that I look like a mom now (I don't know what that means)

I pretty much relaxed and worked the rest of the weekend... but I should add more later as it's time for me to go home and walk the dogs!

Ciao for now!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

2 out of 5

I have been thinking about what Jenn told me to enjoy now that baby is still in my tummy(from her comment on her blog at blog: ) and it's funny how I only get 2 out of the 5!

Lets see -- I barely pee by myself now because I have my two dogs follwing me around even in the bathroom, as for my lunch breaks - I go home and walk them so there goes my nice hour lunches, and then enjoying watching tv? we don't even have cable! well, we recently got rabbit ears so we could watch some hockey on the weekends....the only thing left for me to enjoy now is sleeping in and on my weekends! I can only imagine what life is going to be when baby comes. It's going to be a challenge but it will be a fun filled house for sure.

Oh well, if my grandma could raise 8 kids as a single mom in a third world country, I'm sure taking care of a baby and 2 dogs is a piece of cake :)

ciao for now,

Something To Think About

Something to Think About

Well my Wednesday was much better compared to my Tuesday. It seems like everyday, I feel different somehow…like it’s always something that’s sore in my body or I just feel totally tired or feel restricted with my belly. (there’s probably always something weird when you’re pregnant anyway) Oh, I did my prenatal yoga last night and I feel amazing today! I must keep in mind to do it every second day. It totally helps with my breathing, stretching and other things that are beneficial for a pregnant body and to help me come delivery. Mark got me this video during my early trimester and we both tried it once and that was it. I remember feeling great afterwards but it seemed like I have forgotten it after that. Anyways, my promise to myself is to do it every second day from now on.

As for the something to think about – I went to the bank yesterday to sign some mortgage papers as I have been approved to re-qualify on the mortgage of my townhouse on my own – anyways, the guy showed me how much interest I am paying and how much principal is going towards the mortgage right now. It was like a slap in the face to see those numbers! I mean 700 is going to interest and 300 to the principal! Isn’t that crazy ridiculous?! I could not believe it! Anyways, it’s something to think about with your own mortgages. I know it’s probably depressing to find out the numbers but it’s good to know. Who invented mortgages anyways? I know I should stop complaining…I’ll find something more interesting to talk about next time.

Ciao for now,

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mundane Monday

Wow! What a day yesterday! I didn’t get any sleep Sunday night from being uncomfortable on all sides! I was so sick and tired of sleeping on my left side, it hurt to move on my right side and could not stay on my back for too long because I would feel some kind of pain in my body.

And I totally felt prego yesterday! My stomach seemed to be stretched to the point where there is no more room and yet it still seems to keep on stretching. It felt like an elastic band stretched out to its fullest that it hurt! And to top it all off, I was crazy busy at work so I pretty much stayed away from as many people as I could.

I was so glad to finally go home yesterday and just relax. I took the puppies out for a 30 minute brisk walk and that seemed to help me out a little bit. At 24 weeks, being able to walk for that long without having a place to pee is a challenge for me. That is my maximum walk time now because anything over that would be me peeing by the bushes or an alley somewhere while trying to hold 2 Jack Russell Terriers!

Trust me, I tried that before during my first trimester when I decided to be adventurous and take my dogs out for an 8 km walk! I ended up dragging both dogs in the bushes and telling them to be quiet while mom tried to pee quietly. When I got over to Mark’s place, I pretty much burst into tears! I felt so bummed out because I would run this 8KM trail in 45 minutes and it took me like 1.5 hours to walk it that day! (I know, walking it should take that long but I wasn’t over my health streak yet at the time and I was just frustrated that I couldn’t do much anymore) Good thing Mark is so patient with me. He is so awesome! He made me green curry that night and I felt much much better! (It really doesn't take much for me to be happy) Anyways, I got over it and now I totally enjoy my half hour walks with the pups now!

And to top my night off, Marky gave me a wonderful massage, which pretty much helped me sleep for 8 hours last night. So today, I feel soooo much better!

Hey, Baby is moving like crazy right now coz I’m listening to the mix that Mark made me (it has Elvis, Alicia Keys, Ben Harper, Lionel Ritchie and some other cool people in it) we both love it and it makes my work day so much brighter!

Hope you all have a better day today too!

Ciao for now,K

I would like to congratulate my friends Michael and Sylvia who just had a baby girl last Saturday (Grace Olivia – weighing at 7 lbs 1 oz 18 ½” long) it makes me want to have a girl too!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

My other 2 kids

Yes, I do have 2 more kids (well, they're actually more like dogs but act just like children as well) Sammy and Cassy (my little JRTs) They are the best little friends I could ever have.
Their love is so unconditionally amazing and they make me laugh every day -- whether it was something stupid or them just plain being there. Sometimes they are bratty but most of the time they are good. They love going out for walks which is actually good for me and they just love being with you all the time.

Today Sammy did something pretty funny. We have these planters with some herbs on it and we put them on the bench by the window so it can get some sun. Well, as I was typing away on my puter, I turned around and saw Sam sitting on the planter box looking out the window! what a little brat! it was funny and cute at the same time though. Now I know where the mystery of the dirt on the floor came from along with our herbs being flattned by Sammy's butt.

As for Cassy, she still stares at me 24-7. She loves me so much it's unreal. You will see what I mean if you come and visit...this dog literally will stare at me when I'm napping and won't stop until she's fallen asleep too. She's a little skitso but I love her to death too.

Anyways, I just wanted to mention them because they definitely make life enjoyable :) You should check out the cool blog that Mark created for them at: (An essay on the Jack Russell Terrier) I promise you will love it!

ciao for now,

Farmers Market, Hockey and the weekend

I look forward to my weekends. Why? because I get to sleep in, relax, eat good hearty breakfasts and watch some good ol hockey.

There are only a few things I am going to complain about though (sorry but it's my blog and I can if I want too :)

1. Farmers Market - I used to love going to the Barracks Farmers Market but lately, it seems like all I want to do after I get there is get out fast! It's become so crowded lately and the prices of the fruit and veggies are the exact same price as they are in the grocery store! what happened? I guess everyone found out where it was and now it's like going to the mall or superstore. Who wants to go to a crowded place especially when you're pregnant let alone when you have kids? The only reason why I still go there is for the Simon Pies and that's it. Next time I'll just order them online or by phone and get them delivered to my place! Phew! one down, one more to go.

2. Hockey Game last night - Flames vs. Vancouver - ok! I'm not a hard core fan but did you see this game last night? What the Sam hell happened there? I know we've been going to the penalty box a lot last night but most of the call were pretty unfair. I think the Vancouver Canucks paid the referee's or something because they have been calling out stupid penalties back and forth to the Flames while they let the Canucks get away with it. Ruutu -- you're going to get the beats on the next game, that's for sure. I guess, since you guys haven't been winning lately, we can give you this one I guess. Anyways, sorry about me being negative for a second but if you saw the game last night, you would know what I mean :)

Ok, More to fun and crazy pregnancy stuff! last night was the first time that I saw my stomach moving! it was amazing! I mean, I have been feeling baby move inside but to actually see my stomach move here and there was a surreal experience! I love it! I look forward to it now. Also, this morning when we were having one of the best breakfasts I've ever had, baby moved again and Mark actually saw it this time. It moved like 4 or 5 times and we were both so amazed! yeah, it was like the Alien movie...but this one is cooler for sure :)

Oh, before I forget...try this when you have a craving for some good dip for your nacho chips. I had it last night and I couldn't get it off my mind! Now, that I'm going to write about it, I will probably go and make some afterwards. The amazing dip by 'Mark Eshpeter'.

1/2 guacamole
some sour cream
salsa (hot or medium)

mush the guacamole then pour over the sour cream
mix it together and pour over the salsa
mix all of it together and serve with your fave nacho chips!

yummy! you must try it to beleive it!
ok, I'm gonna go make some now.

ciao for now!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Trip to the Doctor

So my trip to my doctor's yesterday went really well. They did the usual regular checkup and I got to hear baby "E"s heartbeat again. It sounded so fast and strong. I asked the doctor about the stethoscope thing and she told me that I should be able to hear the heartbeat. I just have to try different places and should be able to hear it. It was also the last time that I will be visiting that clinic because from now on, they referred me to the other doctors who will be delivering my baby. The clinic is in Glenmore Landing which is so close to my place (about 7 min. drive) and the hospital is about 5 minute drive so I lucked out. All in all, so far my pregnancy and baby is going really well and I am so thankful.

I met one of my best friends last night (Lorie) at SouthCentre and was so glad to see her. She recently just got engaged so I was able to see the beautiful ring (silver, nice big diamond in the middle with 3 little ones on each side) We went shopping for a bit and I found this cute little shirt in Costa Blanca that says: "Cute as a " and there's a button after the "a". So, cute as a button! perfect for me right now! I say it's small but it's actually a large. It fit me perfectly though. It's one of those shirts that I can wear after so I'm not complaining.

Nothing too exciting today. I'm just glad it's friday and I can sleep in tomorrow. Went to sunterra at lunch and had green beef curry with rice and a biscuit for 4.99! Pretty awesome meal! I'd have that anytime instead of fast food. Love Sunterra. Bought some pepper bacon there for tomorrow's breakfast. Looking forward to it already!

Until next time,

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Yummy Curry!

So I am sitting in my cube trying to find a way to make myself feel better. I had red chicken curry for lunch (leftovers from last night) and man was it every tasty! And yeah, I’m full again…(what’s new right?).

Since I have been pregnant, I have loved and thought of spicy food pretty much every week. I told Mark that our baby is going to come out and it's going to look Mexican or Indian or something.

Mostly, Mark and I would go to the Thai Nongkai place close to work and they have the most amazing curry in the world! (well except when your in Thailand of course) They make all the different colors of curry, from red, green, yellow and brown! Our favorite dish there is the Mutsamun Chicken curry (it is served in brown curry sauce, potatoes and peanuts). If you are ever craving some good, tasty grub – please check out the Thai Nongkai in the South (very close to Outlaws – where the Pawn Shop used to be). I recommend getting the dinner for 2 so you can enjoy and taste a few varieties of thai cuisine. Trust me, you will be dreaming about it for days afterwards.

Anyways, enough about food talk – I would like to thank Jenn for showing me this blog site. She has been so wonderful in answering the many questions that I do have regarding parenting. She just had a handsome baby boy a few months ago and seems to be doing really well. I hope I will be as good as her when I have my kid. We’ll find out soon enough I guess.

Oh, today I go and see my doctor for my regular checkup. I look forward to hearing baby “E”s heartbeat. It is the most beautiful sound in the world! One time I got Mark to bring over his stethoscope because in one of the books that I have been reading stated that I am now able to hear the heartbeat using a stethoscope. So, he brings it home and we could not hear a thing!!! I don’t know where you should be placing it on the stomach but I tried everywhere and could not hear a thing. We even tried it on Sammy and Cassy (our JRTs) and of course fast heartbeats :) they are so cute... oh well, I should ask my doctor today and hopefully, Mark will be able to hear it at home too.

Until tomorrow,

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Addicted to Blog!

I know I said I’d update my blog every morning but I just want to write more stuff!

Today I had ½ a bagel and an avocado milkshake! I am soooo full it hurts to move! I don’t know why I do this to myself! I should know better especially since I have a baby taking most of my stomach space but nooo Krissy pants, just drink all the milkshake coz it’s sooo good! Anyways, you know the saying, “your eyes are too big for your stomach”, that’s me alright! But it was sooo good I had to drink it all!

Anyways enough complaining and here is my recipe to make some tasty tasty avocado shake. You must have a blender btw. Warning: Do not drink it all in one sitting! You will be so full, you will hurt too! or you can always share :)

1 ripe avocado
4 to 5 ice cubes
some condense milk
a little bit of water
and a little bit of milk

put it all in the blender and enjoy!

They say avocado’s are the good kind of fat that you should be eating when you’re pregnant so eat up pregnant moms! Also, your baby will love it afterwards and it’s good food to use for transitioning from milk to solid foods.

And other tips that I have gotten from close friends and family that I would like to share:

The ultimate lotion recipe to prevent stretch marks:
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
Aloe Vera
Olive Oil
My awesome sister gets the credit for this one. We'll see afterwards though if it will be able to help me out. Anyways, you can go buy the top 3 items at shoppers drug mart (Life is the brand name) for 3.99. I pretty much apply it all over my body after a shower. Just mix a little bit of each and voila! You’ve got some pretty awesome cream! My sister told me that one of her girlfriends used this formula and not a single stretch mark on her body! And she’s got 4 kids!

Also, one last thing is my favorite comfy shoes! This advice came from Kara as she had gotten one as a Christmas present this year. She told me that a lot of doctors, nurses and pregnant women use this because it is very light, it slips on easily and it contains little bumps inside the shoe so when you walk, it massages your feet! Pretty cool stuff. You can go to Sole Comfort at Chinook Mall and get it for only $30! I highly recommend this whether you are pregnant or not!

Okay, I better stop…I’m probably going to get fired if I continue on.

So until tomorrow,

Cheesecake Mania!

Since I’m going to have to update my blog every morning for now, I figured I could tell you more about what I have been up to last night. I went out for dinner with two of my beautiful pregnant girlfriends and had a wonderful time.

Michelle is 2 weeks ahead of me and Heather is about 7 weeks in. It is the coolest thing to be hanging out with these girls because I have known them for a couple of years and gotten to be good friends with them and now we are all pregnant together! It was just great to have someone there to talk to and be able to relate with the things that you are going through.

I’m just glad that you weren’t there to listen to the things that we were talking about though. You would think that we were from a different planet! AND! let alone see how we snarfed the Banana Split dessert! It was way too funny! Seeing 3 pregnant women go after this thing like there was no tomorrow. (Oh and Mark, if you are reading this today baby….I forgot to tell you I had a Banana Split J) It was soooo yummy! At least there were fruits in it too…I really tried to pick something good and healthy at cheesecake...I know you’re proud of me! It had bananas, pineapple, cherries and ice cream with whip cream and some Bernard calebaut melted chocolate sprinkled on top! My mouth is watering just typing this thing up. I better stop. Anyways, it was a great night and glad to be able to hang out with them.

I came home with a full belly and to a tired Marky. I was so happy to see him and the puppies of course. They are the best thing in my life right now….with baby included! I must say that I’ve never been happier in my life until now!

Until tomorrow, Kristine

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Day 1 - Set up of my own blog!

This is pretty cool! I have finally setup my own blog! I am very excited to share my baby experiences with you. Please visit everyday to see what kind of interesting things I have gotten myself into or just experiencing with baby.

Right now I am starting week 23 of my pregnancy and feel really really big. I'm sure i will get bigger but there's nothing like feeling big like an elephant when you're pregnant. I just try to pick cool clothes to wear that won't make you look like a cow. It says to show off your belly so that's what I'm doing.

Until tomorrow.
