Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mundane Monday

Wow! What a day yesterday! I didn’t get any sleep Sunday night from being uncomfortable on all sides! I was so sick and tired of sleeping on my left side, it hurt to move on my right side and could not stay on my back for too long because I would feel some kind of pain in my body.

And I totally felt prego yesterday! My stomach seemed to be stretched to the point where there is no more room and yet it still seems to keep on stretching. It felt like an elastic band stretched out to its fullest that it hurt! And to top it all off, I was crazy busy at work so I pretty much stayed away from as many people as I could.

I was so glad to finally go home yesterday and just relax. I took the puppies out for a 30 minute brisk walk and that seemed to help me out a little bit. At 24 weeks, being able to walk for that long without having a place to pee is a challenge for me. That is my maximum walk time now because anything over that would be me peeing by the bushes or an alley somewhere while trying to hold 2 Jack Russell Terriers!

Trust me, I tried that before during my first trimester when I decided to be adventurous and take my dogs out for an 8 km walk! I ended up dragging both dogs in the bushes and telling them to be quiet while mom tried to pee quietly. When I got over to Mark’s place, I pretty much burst into tears! I felt so bummed out because I would run this 8KM trail in 45 minutes and it took me like 1.5 hours to walk it that day! (I know, walking it should take that long but I wasn’t over my health streak yet at the time and I was just frustrated that I couldn’t do much anymore) Good thing Mark is so patient with me. He is so awesome! He made me green curry that night and I felt much much better! (It really doesn't take much for me to be happy) Anyways, I got over it and now I totally enjoy my half hour walks with the pups now!

And to top my night off, Marky gave me a wonderful massage, which pretty much helped me sleep for 8 hours last night. So today, I feel soooo much better!

Hey, Baby is moving like crazy right now coz I’m listening to the mix that Mark made me (it has Elvis, Alicia Keys, Ben Harper, Lionel Ritchie and some other cool people in it) we both love it and it makes my work day so much brighter!

Hope you all have a better day today too!

Ciao for now,K

I would like to congratulate my friends Michael and Sylvia who just had a baby girl last Saturday (Grace Olivia – weighing at 7 lbs 1 oz 18 ½” long) it makes me want to have a girl too!

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