Monday, January 16, 2006

It's been awhile

Wow! it's only been a few days but it feels like it's been awhile since I had a chance to blog. When you check out Jenn's blog compared to mine? yup, my blog is totally on the slow side :)

I'll try my hardest to update everyone though. I have just been busy lately with life.

Let's see, friday -- oh yeah, we went to Los Mariachis (this little Mexican restaurant) across our place and boy what a disappointment. I would call it the "lost Maria who?" I do not recommend it to anyone! You totally get shafted with the food and it wasn't even tasty! I ordered coke (which I haven't drank in months) and it made me not sleep all night! So, to top it off with my disappointed $50 dinner was a lack of sleep. It's funny how I thought of cooking the quesadillas much better for sure at home...and yeah, Mark and I had stomach pains after! so that was our gong show friday night.

Saturday, I went and got my hair cut. I totally look different (again!) I seem to get bored of my hair style and just go nuts and get a hair cut without even realizing what kind of style I'm going to have this time. Oh well, it's crazier that I've ever had it because it has lots of layers, and shorter. I should upload a picture once I get one :) you'll see what I mean. People at work tell me that I look like a mom now (I don't know what that means)

I pretty much relaxed and worked the rest of the weekend... but I should add more later as it's time for me to go home and walk the dogs!

Ciao for now!

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