Thursday, January 12, 2006

2 out of 5

I have been thinking about what Jenn told me to enjoy now that baby is still in my tummy(from her comment on her blog at blog: ) and it's funny how I only get 2 out of the 5!

Lets see -- I barely pee by myself now because I have my two dogs follwing me around even in the bathroom, as for my lunch breaks - I go home and walk them so there goes my nice hour lunches, and then enjoying watching tv? we don't even have cable! well, we recently got rabbit ears so we could watch some hockey on the weekends....the only thing left for me to enjoy now is sleeping in and on my weekends! I can only imagine what life is going to be when baby comes. It's going to be a challenge but it will be a fun filled house for sure.

Oh well, if my grandma could raise 8 kids as a single mom in a third world country, I'm sure taking care of a baby and 2 dogs is a piece of cake :)

ciao for now,

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