Sunday, January 08, 2006

My other 2 kids

Yes, I do have 2 more kids (well, they're actually more like dogs but act just like children as well) Sammy and Cassy (my little JRTs) They are the best little friends I could ever have.
Their love is so unconditionally amazing and they make me laugh every day -- whether it was something stupid or them just plain being there. Sometimes they are bratty but most of the time they are good. They love going out for walks which is actually good for me and they just love being with you all the time.

Today Sammy did something pretty funny. We have these planters with some herbs on it and we put them on the bench by the window so it can get some sun. Well, as I was typing away on my puter, I turned around and saw Sam sitting on the planter box looking out the window! what a little brat! it was funny and cute at the same time though. Now I know where the mystery of the dirt on the floor came from along with our herbs being flattned by Sammy's butt.

As for Cassy, she still stares at me 24-7. She loves me so much it's unreal. You will see what I mean if you come and visit...this dog literally will stare at me when I'm napping and won't stop until she's fallen asleep too. She's a little skitso but I love her to death too.

Anyways, I just wanted to mention them because they definitely make life enjoyable :) You should check out the cool blog that Mark created for them at: (An essay on the Jack Russell Terrier) I promise you will love it!

ciao for now,

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