Monday, January 23, 2006

Some Variety

Well, since I barely turned my computer on this weekend (which was actually nice) I have quite a variety of topics to talk about.

First and foremost, baby. It’s moving so much stronger! It now measures about 14 inches from head to heel and weighs around 2 lbs. It can hear so much more too. One great example was this weekend. When Papa “Esh” decided to play Rage Against The Machine while I was sleeping in! Mind you, it was already 11:30 in the morning so it was time for me to get up! Anyway, when the “pots and pans” music came on, baby just started to wiggle like crazy! I don’t know if it loved it or hated it but it was pretty funny.
Oh yeah, before I forget, I now weigh 139.4 lbs!

Next topic is about school. There’s this flash course starting on Jan. 30th and it goes twice a week (Monday and Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.) until the end of February. I want to take it but am a little bit worried that it might be a little too much for a 7 month prego like me. If I do, I would be going from 7 in the morning to 9:30 at night on Monday and Wednesdays and I don’t know if I can handle that especially since good sleep is hard to come by lately. But the one good thing if I take the class now is that baby is still in my tummy and I actually have the time to do it. Plus, it will really help me learn flash and help me make flashier web sites, which is good for my own business. And my work might pay for this course so that’s an extra bonus too since I started doing the same thing at work. I don’t know what I'm going to decide… we’ll keep you posted for sure.

Next is mi familia. Right now, my Brother and my Mom are in the Philippines having the best time of their lives (yeah, can you sense the small hint of jealousy in there?) Yup, a little jealous but I miss them dearly. It’s so hard when they are out of the country. I mean, they all live in Edmonton which is far from me but at least I can reach them easily via phone or email. The only one I talk to now constantly is Karen (my twin sister) and once in awhile Bill (my Step Dad)…I guess it’s just harder when you’re in Calgary by yourself and the rest of them are living in a different city…. especially now that I’m prego. Oh well, you just have to make the best of things I guess. I just want to share how much I miss them. Yesterday, we went over to Mark’s parents place and all of his family was there. It’s so nice to have family living close by. It’s definitely great to have at least one set of family living in the same city. They are so excited for us I just can’t help but smile! I know it was a shock to all of them at first but they have been so supportive and loving that I definitely feel blessed to have them all in my life.

I think that should be good for now…I will try to talk about something more interesting next time.

Take care everyone!
Ciao for now! K

Here's a skinny pic for ya! he!he!


JF & Steph said...


I want to try this since you started to put your blog! First you look amazing with your 139 I said so many times, I will pay to have a same pregnancy than you...but I am not pregnant...You know what you should do? you should take exactly the same picture but now. So in few years, you will remember how you are good looking pregnant.

That's it!


Anonymous said...

On behalf of the family, I would like to say that we all miss you too. I know that with our hectic shedule, there's not a single day that goes by that I don't think about you. Like I said before, New Years 2006 we will get a sitter and party hard. There's something to look forward to. Till next time. TAke it easy and eat all those yummy food for me. heheheh. Luv, Karen

Anonymous said...

hey kris hang in there
now you know how hard it is to go thru pregnancy but just think i had twins and made it. Just to remind you you are one of that twins ha ha ha
i make sure i will be home when "E" gets out. love and miss you all. i am having fun here in cebu and don't you guys worry about me i am in good hands.
God Bless