Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Soooo in love!

Just a quick update here.

Sidney is already 5 months and I am sooo in love with my little girl. She is definitely Mommy's little girl right now.

Micah is 3 and testing his parents. He is still my sweet little boy but testy lately. I find at this age that I seem to keep on negotiating with him or threatening him with time outs. Maybe it's his way of getting attention right now. But he's still a good boy.

We are dealing though and life at the Eshpeter's is pretty busy!

No matter how hard it seems right now though, I am thankful for my beautiful, healthy kids. I am thankful for my amazing husband who loves us unconditionally. I am thankful for good health...there is nothing like being healthy and being able to enjoy life. I am thankful for having a good year this year (based on our taxes).
I am thankful for Evie for caring for her parents and still have enough to care for us too! Evie you are an awesome girl! You have an amazing heart. We love you!

Anyway, just thought I'd share what's in my heart right now.

I am however exhausted after my run so I am cutting it short. But please check back soon for more pics.

Take care, K

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Family Pictures and more!

Here are a few pics of my happy family and some cute pics of Sidney at 1 month.

And we were also crazy enough to do renos while I was pregnant...here are some pics of our awesome living room! Hardwood Bamboo flooring, New fireplace, and to make ourselves feel better a 50 inch plasma tv and a kickass system for those days when I will be chillin with the kids at home :)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's been way too long...

Yes it has! it's been close to a year that I haven't blogged and I don't even know where to begin.

I can start by saying how proud I am to give birth to a beautiful baby girl! Sidney Jean Victoria Eshpeter. Born Feb. 7, 2009 @ 8:31 am at the Rocky View Hospital.

She is 3 weeks old today and life is again at the stage where it seems like control is nowhere to be found. Dont get me wrong, I am grateful to have her and even more grateful that she is finally out as I had a much harder pregnancy this time around.
I bled at 32 weeks and it hasn't been easy after that.

The Delivery (this is for me to remember)

It started at 4:00 am when I felt like something kicked me from the inside...like little feet and I felt a little 'pop'. All of a sudden a strong cramping followed after that and I pretty much got Mark to help me up and I ran into the bathroom as I felt like I had to go take a dump right away!!! but nothing came out. I guess that feeling was that baby is almost ready to come out. I called my best friend Angele who is 5 minutes away from us and told her to come over right away. My contractions were 2 minutes apart and it seemed like I was dreaming because I was expecting 5 minutes apart...not 2! anyway, the feeling of taking a dump was still strong every time the contractions came...and I remember trying not to sit on the car seat while Mark drove to the hospital...we got there at 4:30 am and found that the nurse to be helping us was his client, Nikki. (She was totally amazing and helped me through the whole ordeal). She checked how far along I was and I was already at 6 cm dilated! I managed to go through a few more contractions for 1/2 hour until I couldn't stand it any longer and asked for the epidural. The doctor comes in and tells me, 'No, you're not getting one' and I pretty much thought I was going to die. Luckily the guy that was giving the epidural made it just in time and all I kept on thinking was 'shut up and quit asking me questions and just stick that needle in my back already!' I remember the feeling of the epidural when he finally got the needle in though...it felt like 1000 razor blades just cutting your back. I shrieked in pain and grabbed on to Mark for life! I guess when they do put the epidural in when you are in between contractions, you are more bound to feel the sting of it. The delivery only lasted for 4 hours and at 8:31 am she was already born! I was so happy that we have a baby girl! I knew life will never be the same after this and it's been just that!

After the Delivery

The word that came out of my mouth to describe what I was feeling was 'brutalized'. They brought us to the other side of the hospital and I ended up rooming with another Mom who was sick and didn't really care about anybody else except herself. I was looking forward to going home with my baby the next day. The first week was tough but Mark and I were glad to have my best friend Angele who was the one that helped us survive the first week. I would also like to thank the 'Chen' family who made us soup that would help me heal and get better. And to the 'Topps' for phoning and offering to drop off dinner one night for us, thank you guys! Mark and I truly appreciate you!

Our second week was pretty much the same as the first but I was lucky enough to have my sister come over all the way from Edmonton to help me get through the second week. Sister thank you for your support and for everything! You have no idea how much I appreciate everything that you do for me.

And this week, my Lola from Drayton Valley came to help us out! what an amazing Grandma! She was non-stop, round the clock with washing our mountain of a laundry, she cooked supper and cleaned up after our mess! Not bad for a 76 year old Lola! We love you Lola! Thank you for everything!

People say 'Just get through the first month' and with one more week to go before Sidney turns 1 month, I am hoping that life will get easier....and I'm sure it will :)

With that in mind, I am off to bed! I promise to post more pics in my next blog.

stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life is still busy, Micah is now 2 and we need another vacation!

Hello again,

After reading Jenn's blog this evening, it has prompted me to do a little update.

As you can see from the title, Life seems to be busy all the time! Why is it that way....all the time???

It makes me wonder how it will be when we have two kids! Yikes! I am truly enjoying my one right now and will appreciate every moment with him for sure.

Where do I begin? Micah is 2!

I will start with my 2 year old sweetheart! He is the sweetest, smartest kids I know! Of course I'm biased but he is such a sweetie. I have lost track of the many words that he is putting together. Everyday there seems to be a funny 3 word sentence that comes out of his mouth. Like "Mommy, Sat down!" or "Micah do it" or "Cas, Nuff!" when Cas is barking. She loves Cassy though...he even asks to walk Cas..well, actually more like 'Micah-walk-Cas!.

He has an amazing memory for a 2 year old. He can name all of his uncles and aunties and cousins...and of course Grandma and Grandpa. He remembers people's names and will actually associate something that he saw or did with that person. Like, 'Uncle Gord, Tar (for Guitar) or Grandma, (Park with Danny the Dinosaur) or 'Uncle Chris and Auntie Evie (Bike! - for giving him a tricycle for his birthday)

or Auntie 'ngele and Maya (for Auntie Angele and her cat Maya) and one last one...Uncle Todd! White! Frisbee! Yeah, pretty amazing memory.

He has also perfected his colors and his shapes. He is almost good with counting except he is missing a few numbers...right now he will count 1,2,3,4,6,9,10! Still pretty good for a 2 year old I think. He is also recognizing a few letters like the letter 'O' and the letter 'T'. I bought him the Leap Frog letter magnets and that is how he is learning his letters right now.

We have craft day every day and we either draw, play with playdough, cut some stuff using the funky scissors or read our books from the library.

He has also graduated from his Toddler and Tots 2 in swimming and I'm very proud of him for that. I am looking forward to more swimming with him for sure this summer.

We got hit with an awful flu this past week so we haven't been outdoors much...but the kid LOVES to play with his Dad's Ultimate frisbee and LOVES to kick his soccer ball! Looking forward to summer! and getting better!

Ok, next....Life is still busy!

As for Mark and I, running two businesses is a 24 hour job! He has been extremely busy with his new Sport Sandbag product and we are so very excited! Check out his new product at: www.velocityfitness.ca

Pete Estrabrooks has written a very good article about it and you can check it out here.


He was also featured on Shaw TV this past Monday...so with all the media frenzy around him, bedtime at the Eshpeter household is 1:30 am (even if you are sick!).

Marky, I'm proud of you for working so hard for us!

As for moi, I am fortunate enough to have continuous flow of clients. Now that I'm starting my year 2 of my biz, I definitely have a good set of clients to just support me this year. As you can see from my site, I haven't had a chance to update my portfolio but will post once it is done!

As you can see, on the last sentence of my title- we need another vacation!

Will try to post some pictures on the next update.

Ciao for now!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Short Update

Hello all,

It's me again giving you a very short update. I do apologize but it has been a hectic busy month for me ever since we got back from our vacation. I had 20 days to finish a brand new website for a client while trying to do updates for a couple more projects this month. Yikes, I am beginning to hate the computer...I think I need a career change! What do you think I should do?

Anyway, an update is much better written in my husband's blog: Enjoy!

Ciao for now,

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Home Sweet Home

It truly feels good to be back home! Even though our 6 week long vacation was the most amazing vacation I have ever taken in my entire life, home is where it rocks!

It feels good to be alone as a family again (will tell you the reason on my next coming blog about our trip to the Philippines) and it feels good to be back in the comfort of our regular routine.

It took about a week for Micah pants to be back to normal which is expected from any little ones that travel. It was a rough week but we got through it with lots of "I don't know what to do!"

I definitely learned a lot during our trip. I realize that we always seem to crave the things that we don't have when we are "at" home (like: white sandy beaches, hot weather, beautiful places to check out, snorkling in the ocean, relaxing and not doing any work :)

and then we crave the things that we do have when we are not at home (like: good roads, good nutritious foods, good health care, good system for getting married etc. etc.) I also realized how fortunate we are to be living in Canada. Even though we complain about taxes and the government, they are the reason why we have good roads, necessary rules and regulations, good health care etc. etc.

I am excited to start the new year! I know that Mark and I will have an awesome year with our businesses and a fun year as a family! The most cherished times we've had so far was spending time with our beautiful son. He is getting so smart, goofy and sweet! He knows Mommy and Daddy and we are so in love with our little boy!

Anyway, this is all I can post for now...will try to post again soon.

Luv, K

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I will let the pictures do the talking

more pictures to follow in the next blog. stay tuned!